
Current & Inactive Players

Name Cobh OGS KGS
Albert 8k
Brendan 15k* sitruc
Ciarda 20k
John 9k* signius 9k signius 10k
Rob 15k yunners

* EGF rank

*** The rest of this section is long out of date, and kept only for reference until it gets an overhaul ***

Name Cork KGS
Stan 16k
Wenzhi lang2

Past Visitors

Name Date Club KGS
Cao Cork sheehan 4d
Terence circinus
Lucas 2006-2008 Akai Ryuu czarny
Guillaume 2006 mine
Fred 2006 Club de Dijon exaiphnes
Rob 2006 robertm
Miguel 2005
Klaus 2004 Erdinger Go-Spielrunde

External Links

EGF ratings list for active players in Ireland (or search for inactive players)
IGA list of Irish ratings

A comparison of different rating systems
An updated comparison of rating ranges across different systems

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  1. Pingback: Cork Go Club » Ratings Updated

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