Category Archives: Somewhere

2023 in Review

For the occasional visitor searching for information about Go/Baduk/Weiqi in Ireland, the best live resource is the Irish Go Association’s discord server – The community there is quite active and someone is sure to know whether there’s anything happening … Continue reading

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Interesting times. Looking forward… March 2022 AGM The IGA’s Annual General Meeting will take place at 20:00 Thursday March 24th. Most members should already have received email notification with details of the agenda. Failing that, check out Discord for more … Continue reading

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Looking forward… June Galway Tournament Given the continuing epidemic, a physical tournament will obviously not be possible. Awaiting further updates. Weekly Meetings All local meetups are on hiatus. The IGA encourages people to play online. Belfast – Monday 19:00 Galway … Continue reading

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2017 Congress location overturned by majority vote

As posted by the EGF, the next european go congress will be in Oberhof, Germany The heated discussion on previous articles, and on the EGF L19 forum, suggests that there were going to be unhappy people whichever way this vote … Continue reading

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